Welcome Trip Leaders! Use this page as a guide for proposing and planning your trip with Outdoor Programs.
Looking to become a trip leader? Check out our student position opportunities.
Not a trip leader but interested in proposing a trip? Contact us.
Trip Proposal & Planning Process
1. Complete the Trip Proposal Form.
Due at least three weeks prior to your proposed trip.
Feel free to come in to the Outdoor Programs office to work on the Trip Proposal Form with one of the staff members.
2. Meet with Outdoor Programs Directors.
After you’ve submitted your trip proposal form, schedule a meeting with the Outdoor Programs Directors via email or use Outlook calendar’s scheduling tool. The Directors will review your trip proposal before the meeting and come with suggestions for changes.
During this meeting, we’ll discuss any changes or adjustments and the budget for the trip. We’ll also schedule a pre-trip meeting and plan for advertising and registration.
3. Complete the Trip Planning Form and request group gear/food.
Due at least one week prior to your event.
- Request group gear for trip at least one week prior to your trip using the Outdoor Programs Gear Rental Request Form
- Work with Outdoor Programs Directors to request food for your trip (overnight trips only)
4. Host a Pre-Trip Meeting.
Checklist for Pre-Trip Meeting:
- Create and print Participant Packing List
- Basic packing lists for editing coming soon...
- Plan to review with participants:
- Expected weather
- What to bring (packing list)
- How/what participants can borrow from the Outdoor Programs Gear Library
- Departure and Return Dates/Times
- Any required participant paperwork (Outdoor Programs waiver, med forms, etc.)
5. Pre-Departure Tasks
- Print copies of documents for trip (these can be printed/picked up at the OP office):
- Completed Trip Planning Form
- Medical history forms of participants and trip leaders
- Emergency Action Plan
- Driving directions and maps
- Receipt Record Keeper Sheet
- Verify with OP Directors that all participants have completed all required paperwork
- Pick up from OP office:
- Group gear and food
- Car and/or Van Road Kit(s) from OP office
- Petty cash for gas, parking, camping, etc.
- Tunes for the drive!
- Keys to the vehicles (Weekend trips need to pick keys up from Facilities before 3:30 pm on Friday)
6. Post-Trip Documents
Post-trip documents coming soon…