Confirmed Trip Itinerary: Please include dates/times, day to day activities, overnight camping locations, overnight vehicle locations.(Required)
If this is the same from your trip proposal form, feel free to copy and paste that information here. If it’s been updated, please be sure to include the up-to-date information.
What's the weather forecast for your trip? If a multi-day trip, please break down the weather by day.(Required)
Be sure to list if weather will be sunny/cloudy, any precipitation amounts/percentages/estimated timing, any potential storms, etc.
Enter directions to the hospital from your starting location (i.e. campground, where your vehicle will be parked, etc.).(Required)
Use google maps. Include mileage for each step, total distance, and total time.
Additional contacts:
Jory Horner, Outdoor Programs Director, 503.580.0960
Jess Port, Outdoor Programs Assistant Director, 518.935.8873
K College Campus Safety: 269.337.7321